Helpful Hints:
- Versatility
- Alternate Anchors
- Rapid Set-up
- Rapid Tear Down
- Threatening Weather
- Wind
- Cleaning the Screen
- Stakes
- Screen Draping
OutStandingScreens™ were designed to be versatile because each location is unique.
- The ropes don’t have to be at exactly 45° angles or exactly 8’ from the pole base.
- The screen can be put on a hill and tilted backwards or forwards.
- If the screen is too tall for you, you can cut length off both the lower poles and put rubber feet back on (obviously a permanant change).
- The screens can be front or rear projected.
- The screens are easy to transport and store. (back to top)
Alternate Anchors
If you choose to use alternate anchors rather than the ground stakes provided, we offer these words of caution: Gusty winds can put a lot of pressure on the anchor points. If you choose
to connect to something other than ground stakes, make sure your anchor points will not move or come undone. Consider your choices carefully. Ask yourself, "What if?" (back to top)
Rapid Set-up
Set your screen up once before the big night. Doing this will teach you where you want your screen to stand and where the stakes will go. Once you know where you want the screen and especially if your stakes are in, you can put the screen up and down in minutes. This is handy for windy conditions or threatening weather. (back to top)
Rapid Tear Down
The show's over and you're ready for bed. You can drop the screen in a hurry and put it away tomorrow. Just don't leave it on the ground where all sorts of bad things can happen to it. To drop the screen, simply disconnect both lower back ropes from their stakes and then the back top ropes. The screen will go forward where you can then toss all the ropes on the screen and roll it, or drape it all together. This is handy when we know we are going to do movies again tomorrow, so we just leave in the stakes, and lean the screen somewhere safe for the next 18 hours or so. (back to top)
Threatening Weather
To protect your projector, stereo and electronics in case of rain, keep some plastic or other waterproof material handy. It is also good to keep wiring untangled in the event you need to rush something inside. For instance, you don't just want to unplug a projector; they have fans designed to run after the lights go off. If you just unplug the projector with no cool down, you can damage your projector. A projector needs to breath anytime it is running or cooling down. (back to top)
OutStandingScreens™ allow air to pass by design to minimize the effects of wind. We have found that the wind calms down as the sun goes down. If you have your location staked out prior to the show, the screen can go up closer to movie time when perhaps the winds have calmed. Wind is always a factor, but here are some things to consider:
- Wind Breaks: Are there any natural wind barriers you can take advantage of? The house, trees, bushes?
- Wind Direction: What direction do the winds come from this time of year? Avoid front to back winds, favor end to end winds. (back to top)
Cleaning the Screen
OutStandingScreens™ outdoor movie screens are made from bright-white commercial fabrics that are stain resistant, mold and mildew resistant, NFPA-701 fire retardant, permanent press and machine washable. Remove the ropes and just slide your screen off its poles and put it in a cold gentle wash, and cool dry. It may be just as easy to spot wash with a mild soap and a wash cloth. It’s not going to hurt the screen to be washed with a hose. Just allow the screen to dry thoroughly before you put it away. (back to top)
If your stakes are pulling out of the ground, here are a couple things you should check.
- Angle the Stakes: Tilt the top of the stake away from the foot of the pole. That angle makes it harder for the stakes to be pulled out of the ground.
- Optimize Stake Layout: Place your stakes at 45° angles off the end of the poles and 8 feet away from the base.
- Longer Stakes: Your screen comes with 11” stakes which should work in the vast majority of situations. We also have 16” stakes available for purchase. Contact us for details. (back to top)
Screen Draping
Draping is caused by uneven tension across the face of the screen and there are a few things you can look at on your standing screen:
- The poles: The poles should be straight and parallel so the screen isn't twisting. Walk around your screen and view it from different angles. Does everything look right?
- The ropes: Walk around your screen and strum the ropes to get some sense of how tight they all are. Loosen the tight ones and tighten the loose ones. Just before movie time we snug things down evenly to get the smoothest screen possible.
- The screen: If the eyebolts match the openings in the screen, your screen is fine. The screen doesn't have to be pulled down, in fact pulling the screen down too much can cause wrinkles. Focus on the ropes and poles.
Do the best you can and if you just can't make it work, you have a 45 day guarantee for a full refund. In the meantime enjoy a few movies and see how it goes. We are confident you will enjoy the experience. (back to top)